Monday, December 13, 2010

The Cell: A Macro-Evolutionists Nightmare

I've just recently learned of a man named Francis Crick. Maybe you have heard of him. He was one of two discoverers of the DNA molecule. He also won a Nobel Prize.

Every scientist has a reason for why they study and explore. Although I don't know what Francis' motivation was, a quote of his has reminded me once again about science and it's effect on us:

“Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but evolved.” ~Francis Crick

Why would a scientist need keep pointing their compass in a direction that reminds them where they are NOT going? Why would Francis Crick want to remind scientists everywhere that there isn't a creator? I think it's because he saw something when he studied the intricate apparatuses inside the cell. What did he see? He saw wonder.

Do you like science? Why? Do you like it because it's better than doing nothing, or do you like it because of what you can discover?
Let's go with the thought that you might like science for the discovery side of things.

Did you know that the world is placed perfectly in our universe, galaxy, and solar system to study our solar system, galaxy and universe? If we were just a little closer to the outside of the galaxy, we would be blocked from seeing outward by giant dust and gas clouds. Isn't it amazing that the location of our planet, the size of the moon and the distance each are from the sun allow for a perfect solar eclipse? Why is that cool? Through that we are in the perfect position to study light and the way it bends!

Ok, now think smaller. Much, much smaller. Think about a cell. You know that in a cell there are many different things happening all the time. One of those things is the way proteins are made. We can observe the process of DNA unwinding to create RNA which goes to the protein building sites to make protein. But, what is greatly troubling evolutionary scientists is how these strands know how to go where they go! They don't know and it's causing panic everywhere!

I don't intend to go into the lack of transitionary fossils and what Darwin himself had to say about those not existing. What I do want to show you is how amazing it is that a single DNA strand can fit into the nucleus of a cell but if it was stretched out would be about 6 feet long! If you love math, search the probability of the elements coming together in just the right way to form the most simple form of life. Then compare that with the probability of the chemicals in DNA aligning just the right way to form a human DNA strand.

Keep in mind that we have never been able to simulate the creation of DNA from the random assembling of chemicals. Yet the DNA exists, and it continuously unwinds and recreates to form new DNA and proteins. That's amazing. Even more, nobody knows how it maintains to do this function.

Soon, scientists like Francis Crick will have to realize they are not considering all possibilities if they continue to force themselves to believe that all this is happening for a Theory that is falling apart.

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