Have you ever heard about Moses? If your thinking of some kid that you went to elementary school with, we're not on the same page... yet.
Moses is one of the heroes from the Bible. In many ways though, we was more of a screw-up than a hero. If you have ever seen the old time classic "The 10 Commandments" then you have heard something about him, but you have certainly not heard the whole story. Let me share a secret or two with you about Moses:
One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?"
The man said, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and thought, "What I did must have become known."[1]
Step 1 in understanding moses is to understand that he was a murderer. Step 2: When he was found out, he ran away and didn't come clean with what he did. Some big hero right?
Bringing it back to your neighborhood... Porn.
- 12% of all websites are pornographic
- 25% of all search engine requests are pornographic
- 35% of all internet downloads are pornographic in nature
- Every second, 28×258 internet users are viewing pornography
- Every second, $89.00 is spent on internet porn
- Everyday, 266 new porn sites appear on the internet
- Sex is the most searched word on the internet
- US revenue from internet porn in in 2006 – $2.84 Billion
- 72% of internet pron users are men, 28% are women
- 70% of internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-5 workdays
- There are an estimated 372 Million porn web pages; 3% produced by the UK, 4% produced by Germany; 89% produced by the US
It's obvious that people are running to porn for something. Perhaps there are some hurts that have never been healed. Maybe there are some fears that aren't properly dealt with. Certainly there is some dissatisfaction with the way things are. The bottom line is that it isn't just something that is fun. There's more going on in our hearts than just the desire for an easy orgasm.
Let me make this personal. If you are into porn it is because in some way or another you, like Moses are running from something. Also, like Moses, you are making sure that you cover up your tracks (hiding the body, making sure nobody is around, erasing the history, most viewed web pages, cookies...etc.). Why do you do this? You don't want to get caught.
Moses ran. Moses fled. He didn't want to face the music by confronting his problem head on.
Moses' story relates to a pornographer (along with many other activities by the way) because it's a human tendency story. Our tendency is to run away, or dodge the problem. This is why Porn works. It offers relief... for a time. The problem is that it isn't lasting, and it certainly is not fixing the deeper issues we have.
The beauty of the Bible is that it is so raw. The stories aren't trying to hide anything. Who would have thought that there would be a story of somebody that murdered somebody, ran away, then was used by God to help a bunch of people get free from slavery? There is no way to be biased, the whole story was told.
God as a higher being and creator, is the ultimate source for seeing the whole story. He sees all that you do. Understanding how powerful he is and passionate about doing right, this should frighten you some. But, I want to say to you that this is also where great hope can be found. God turned Moses' life around, and he desires to do that same for you.
We drink water because we are thirsty. But, if we are thirsty and we drink something like Coke that tastes good but dehydrates, we aren't helping anything. What we need is water. Clear, cold, satisfying water. Through Jesus, there is a water like this that truly satisfies. Click here for the full story.
God loved Moses and still had a plan for him as part of his great plan. Check out the following parts of Exodus to hear the rest of the story.
If you want to know more about how God can turn your life around and heal your deepest problem, check out this website for more.
[1] Exodus 2
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